Ballerina Blog
Information & insights for graceful living.

Refinery29 + Everyday Ballet
March 8, 2017This past Monday I had the enormous pleasure of training the inimitable Steve Doss (pictured above) for Refinery29’s Facebook Live broadcast of Busy Bodies. It was such a fun and fabulous time! Not only was Steve an enthusiastic student, but he also absorbed the material exceptionally well–like A+ prince material!! What Steve brings to his workout style that we can all learn from is what I call H.O.P.E.

HUMOR is our best friend when it comes to approaching something new or challenging. Being easy enough with ourselves to smile or even laugh off blips in our own learning process helps us divest ourselves of emotional baggage. If we want to move with elegance and ease, it behooves us to drop the dead weight of stress and negativity from our muscles as well as our psyches!
OPTIMISM helps us make an open approach to new experiences. A positive attitude brims with possibility that not only keeps us receptive, but also lights up our energy in a way that brightens everybody’s spirit. As a teacher, I can say firsthand that a student’s optimism inspires me to offer and give more to our shared experience. It’s a win-win every time!
PATIENCE gives us psychological grace as we navigate through uncharted physical and emotional territories. Showing ourselves some patience actually invites growth and learning through kindness. Whether with a physical activity or an emotional hurdle, patience is the seed of fortitude that ultimately matures into personal integrity and results.
ENGAGEMENT is the act of presence in the moment. It’s the difference between looking vs seeing, listening vs hearing, and touching vs feeling. No one maintains perfect presence–we are only human–but keeping your senses open and registering the richness of even just a few moments can be revelatory and joy-producing for both body and mind!
So next time you’re facing something new (at the ballet barre or not!), try some H.O.P.E. and see what happens!
Thanks again to Steve and Refinery29 for making my Monday! You guys are tu-tu AWESOME!
In case you missed the Facebook Live broadcast, you can WATCH IT HERE anytime!

And here’s the playlist for some ballet inspiration!
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