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Lift Your Gaze
February 2, 2016[et_pb_section admin_label=”Section” fullwidth=”off” specialty=”off”][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”post copy” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” text_font_size=”16″]
Lifting your eyes is an amazingly powerful tool for refreshing your physical energy and your outlook. And it’s the perfect antidote to “Smartphone Slump” that you can do anytime!
Ballet dancers carry their heads in a distinctively elegant manner. When we perform, we lift our eyes to the first balcony, just above the orchestra seats. This ensures that our faces are visible to the majority of the audience. It also helps keep our spines aligned when we are spinning and balancing.
The eyes are incredibly important to posture. One quick glance around and you’ll see that most of us are hunched over our computers and smartphones. But before your “Smartphone Slump” becomes permanent, try lifting your eyes just a fraction above level. Notice how even this small adjustment wakes you up a little. Also notice how it lifts the chin slightly.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but when we so often use them half closed, it’s no wonder we can feel both tired and cut off from the world around us! Here’s what you can do to open your outlook and defeat Smartphone Slump:
Lift Your Gaze Exercise
Exercise 1: You can even use your smartphone for this one!
- Sit or stand comfortably on 2 feet, holding your smartphone as usual.
- Begin to track the eyes towards a wall opposite you (or a building, object, etc., just make sure it’s at a distance).
- Track the eyes up the wall to the place where it meets the ceiling.
- Release your shoulders, take a breath, and slowly return the eyes to your phone.
- Repeat 3 more times.
Exercise 2
- Sit or stand comfortably with a level chin, eyes forward.
- Look towards the tip of your nose.
- Keeping your level chin, return the eyes forward and lift the gaze very slightly above level. Be sure to look into the distance, e.g. at a wall opposite you.
- Repeat 7 more times.
Lifting your gaze is an easy way to brighten your energy and bring a touch of ballet regalness to your posture. It’s also marvelous for emerging from your Smartphone Slump! So give it a try the next time you need a little outlook adjustment!
–Happy Dancing!
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